Spilaryy and Winston Murdoch – The Love Compound

Genetics: GMO x GMO

Bag Appeal: The Love Compound nugs hide behind a lattice of showstopping pistils. The spring green buds are so caked with delicate trichomes that they almost appear white. The nugs are tall and the fluffy calyx structure grinds down into an aerated resinous sand. Less dense than GMO, the lighter structure is indicative of what is to come.

Aroma: More nuanced than the overwhelming vegetal funk of GMO, The Love Compound has a woody profile. With distinct genmaicha and oolong notes, there is beauty in The Love Compound’s subtly. Like the Trop Cookies I recently tried from @spilaryy and @winston_murdoch , the aroma is equally gentle and pleasant.

Flavor: More robust than the aroma, the tea quality is juxtaposed against a bold sweet Maui onion taste that coated my mouth from the first exhale. Not as astringent as GMO, the musty quality compounds as the joint burns down, developing an almost caramelized onion flavor. The lightly toasted woodiness landed as a long-lasting aftertaste, and bled into the relaxing full-bodied effects. My senses felt heightened as a peaceful wave moved down my spine and splashes of cerebral energy kept me engaged. Without the knockout punch effects of GMO, The Love Compound is better suited for a prolonged unwinding.     

Rating: 9.0/10  


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